Technology / 1:1 Device Program

The East Carter County R-II School District is excited about its 1to1 Device Initiative. We strongly support giving students of this school district every tool needed for the betterment of a child's education, and supports student having 24/7 access to technology both in and out of the classroom.

Student education is becoming a technology-based system, along with society, the workplace, higher education, and vocational training. We want your child to be as prepared as possible for the world they will grow into. By sending the device home, your child will be able to do research for classes as well as explore their personal interests. They will be able to work off-line (no Internet needed), and to type papers for their classes when they are away from school. Students will also be able to work on-line where wireless Internet is available through a secured and Internet filtered device. Technology has become so important for student success that the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has included technology as a learning standard for students of grades 6 through 12.